I have a huge, huge crush on Steven Bartlett (Secret Diary of a CEO).
So, you can imagine my green-eyed monster rousing when our wonderful Sophie Tomlinson managed to meet him this summer (photo evidence below).

Obviously, he’s young, smart, (good looking!) and trying to change the world.
However, the reason I love him is for shining a bright light on psychological issues and so helping to deepen people’s understanding of the importance of psychology in business.
As far as I’m aware, Steven doesn’t have any official psychological training; but if you listen to how he frames a podcast, his show usually encourages each guest to build from a central theme around ‘the important things about my early years that made me the person I am are today.’
In a recent episode featuring billion-dollar fast food visionary, Julian Metcalfe (founder of Pret a Manger and ITSU), Steven’s opening gambit was to simply ask, "You have said: 'I was exposed to a number of hardships as a child.' Please explain.”
In nearly every episode, Steven beautifully weaves a golden thread from the events & impacts of a guest’s early years through to the leader they are today.
As Business Psychologists, we have deep knowledge of this golden thread and always feel blessed & honoured to hear the unique story woven by every client we work with.
Our four-hour deep dive interview focused on the client’s life story may form only a part of our comprehensive Leaders of the Future assessment, but it is a highly critical part.
Alongside the interview we run a full job analysis and suite of psychometrics plus 360’s, as our primary aim is to help leaders thrive; and we firmly believe this can only be achieved with high levels of self-awareness.

If you have a personal interest in understanding why you lead the way your do, or you feel the leaders you are hiring are not working out as well as you hoped, please reach out and allow us to talk you through our innovative Leaders of the Future process.