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7 Things Leadership Consultants Do

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are facing unprecedented challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For many in leadership positions, 2020 has been a year of rapid learning and development to embrace new ways of working and leading teams in a predominantly digital workspace.

Adapting to this changing landscape, especially with the speed that 2020 has demanded, is certainly not easy. This is where leadership consulting can play a crucial role.

This need to adopt new traits and techniques to become effective digital leaders was present before the pandemic though. As the World Economic Forum noted last year, leadership in a digital age is no longer hierarchical and therefore many leaders have to change their approach.

But what do leadership consultants actually do? There are multiple ways in which they can help your organisation not only survive the pandemic, but thrive as the world adapts to this ‘new normal’.

Assessments for leadership development - At The Work Psychologists, we have developed a bespoke leadership development service, designed to help you identify who within your teams can be developed into the most effective leaders.

Assessments for leadership selection - Our assessment process can also aid you as you make selections for leadership roles, either internally or externally. We look far beyond interview performance and assess candidates for their leadership potential, based on the psychological factors required to lead well.

Executive coaching - Businesses and the world have changed rapidly in recent months. There is no better time to take a step back from your activities and think strategically about who you are as a leader, and where you want to be.

Career coaching - This is an opportunity to ensure that every, single person working for your organisation is fulfilling their potential and is passionate about their role. As leadership consultants, we help individuals identify their career ambitions and set them on the path to achieving them.

Consult on change projects - If 2020 has highlighted the need for your business to pivot quickly, you may be rolling out a change project. To get the most from these initiatives, our leadership consultants will work with you to find the most appropriate way to roll out a change project, one that focuses on the people within your organisation and understands the psychological barriers that are often present when people are confronted with change.

Managing culture change - Culture change is an area that a growing number of businesses are focusing on, but without the right approach often little actually changes within the culture of a company.

Embedding a new culture into your business requires a deep understanding of the culture you have within your workforce now, as well as a consistent effort to work with each individual in your business to ensure they understand how they can impact the culture of your workplace. This is an ongoing process.

Leadership development - It can be easy to think of leadership development as something to focus on in the early stages of a leadership career. But the best leaders proactively invest in their own and their colleagues’ development.

We work with established leaders and those at board-level positions to ensure they are constantly developing their skills, both in terms of strategy and emotional intelligence.



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